Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Are you a restless GUN?

I don’t intend to write something else then entrepreneurship, ideas bla bla but offlate I have been labeled again and again as a “restless” gun

. Hence this is a humble attempt to observe in the vicinity of that label, good bad or ugly.

My friends often call me restless and sometimes impatient, now common there is a generic difference in both the words and offcourse I really don’t want to bore anyone explaining what it means. But lets look at the great personalities around you, aren’t they restless? I am offcourse not trying to mimic someone but then I ask why not be a restless person? Whats the harm?

If you are restless you can always sustain a sharp focus on your goal(pls don’t try too hard, just shoot this on your brain and brain will say offcourse dude!)
Imagine you going to a store to buy a phone, now you know what exactly you want but still you listen to the salesguy? Do you? If you do you are not trying to be patient but indirectly your brain is in a dilemma. You doubt your own decision making system which you think you have decided with your own criterias but actually its not that way. If you were so much convinced & focused on what you want , you would NOT hang in there to listen to some crap sales tales & politely interrupt the guy and say yeah fine its kool but I m looking for iphone 4S only and not a galaxy note which he is trying to pound you with.

Now second scenario is if you are listening to the sales guy talking about some phone which you don’t intend to buy considering the fact that you are very clear on what you are looking for, but you still listen to him….

this behavior shows you “still” want to explore and want to know that hey why not check what he is talking about, now that’s exactly what is happening in your brain , trust me.
Steve Jobs, Dhirubhai Ambani, Mahatma Gandhi etc. were actually labeled as restless & impatient. Steve Jobs never settled or compromised on something which was little away from his vision.

Dhirubhai had the perseverance to excel but at the same time he would never settle down with lesser then his goal or vision….

so if you try to emphasize more with your cereberal molecules you will realize that focus comes with a dogged pursuit which comes by being restless and impatient…doesn’t that mean you are always on your “toes”?

Now someone lying on a bed performs or someone on his/her toes performs “most” of the activities(xcept for a few ) better??